Apr 12, 2024
34 stories
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Webb finds carbon dioxide ice on the surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa, potentially indicating conditions hospitable for life.
Webb finds an unexpected number of binary Jupiter-sized planets, causing astronomers to question how stars and planets form.
Webb studies a pair of closely intertwined actively forming stars, but viewers decided there was something strange in the image.
Webb studies a plume of water coming from Saturn’s moon Enceladus
Previously taken photos by Webb are combined with data from Chandra X-Ray Observatory to show insights in visible, infrared, and x-ray wavelengths.
Webb takes images of a newborn star inside the Hourglass Nebula
Webb takes photos of the Tarantula Nebula
Previously taken images from Webb and Hubble show new insights in the Phantom Galaxy.
Shortly after taking its first photo of the Pillars of Creation, Webb snapped a photo of the pillars using its Mid-Infared Instrument to get a detailed view of the towering dust clouds.
The Pillars of Creation have been iconic ever since the first images of them were released in 1995. Now, Webb has taken a look into the famous clouds of interstellar dust.
Earendel, discovered earlier this year by Hubble, is the farthest known star from Earth.
The International Astronomical Union is opening up the floor for names for several exoplanets.
James Webb's MIRI takes stunning images in infrared of several galaxies, showing new details.
James Webb takes photos of the Cartwheel Galaxy in visible and infrared light.
James Webb's first five full color images.
April 28th, 2022 - All instruments fully aligned